Box & Zia Consulting
Solving your Cloud Content Management challengesAbout Box & Zia Consulting
If you’re struggling with issues such as process inefficiencies, errors, security, cost, or scalability, the experts at Zia Consulting can develop an individualized solution built on Box to meet your needs. Our team works together with yours to create solutions that work for your business, minimize downtime, and deliver a fast return on your Box investment.
Get the most out of your Box implementation.

The 4 Cs of Cloud Content Management
According to a recent study from AIIM, there is no better time to start your digital transformation process. Automating information management and furthering your digital transformation maturity makes dollars and sense. Read our recent white paper on The 4 Cs of Moving to Cloud Content Management.

8 Reasons You Need CCM Now
With companies increasingly looking for ways to contain the content chaos they are experiencing while remaining compliant, a move to CCM is the obvious answer. In this eBook, we’ll look at the top reasons you should consider migrating to the cloud, the risks you’ll avoid by doing so, and the benefits your company will gain.

Consolidate content silos by migrating to Box
Actively migrate your content into a modern Cloud Content Management (CCM) system from legacy and home-grown systems—consolidating multiple repositories into one system of record—without pausing daily business activities.

Automatically classify, extract, and validate data
Zia delivers solid integrations to Ephesoft Smart Capture® and Video handwriting recognition, so users can seamlessly ingest content into Box with automated extraction and classification capabilities.

Integrate Box with existing systems and new technologies
Zia understands that your corporate business applications—ERP, CRM, and more—are often the technologies that run your enterprise. Our solutions work with third-party and custom-built applications to ensure the tools you need are accessible to your employees.

Insurance document automation in the cloud
By streamlining the costly and complex document processing seen in applications, underwriting, claims, and billing, you’ll see immediate cost savings, a reduction in paper, enhanced customer service, and improved governance.

Accounts payable automation with Box
Actively migrate your content into a modern Cloud Content Management (CCM) system from legacy and home-grown systems—consolidating multiple repositories into one system of record—without pausing daily business activities.

Box for mortgage loan processing
Zia Consulting and Box provide mortgage loan automation systems for companies across the industry. We deliver significant cost savings, offer accelerated revenue opportunities, and improve visibility into the process for enhanced compliance and business intelligence.