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See the Latest Alfresco Framework Featuring JavaScript API

By Bindu Wavell, Chief Architect at Zia Consulting

In the last couple of weeks, Alfresco opened up a new application development/UX framework on Github. Large companies often have trouble bringing larger teams up to speed on doing Share application development This new framework will allow companies to hire people with Angular 2 experience in order to build bespoke/custom content management applications without the investment in the special knowledge required for folks extending Share.

This framework is made up of an Alfresco JS API which is a wrapper around new work Alfresco is making toward a more complete REST API. There is also a series of core components including API access, login, document list, data table, search, upload, preview, and more. There are Yeoman generators, command-lining tools, that allow you to stamp out projects or create your own components that communicate with Alfresco. The JavaScript SDK will also support the stand-alone version of Activiti Enterprise delivering a single API and widget set which allows us to build applications for BPM as well as Content Management.

This UI is being developed in the open on Github and they are looking for collaborators to add value to the code base and documentation. Click here to access the Gitter channel and participate.

Watch the video below for an overview and demo of these new capabilities.

Feel free to contact me if you have questions or thoughts at:
Twitter: @binduwavell

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