by Jake Karnes | Jul 10, 2019 | Ephesoft
This blog provides a tutorial for adding a custom dictionary to a batch class to increase Ephesoft OCR accuracy. Background Information This blog is for the Windows version of Ephesoft Transact that uses Recostar as the OCR engine. The Linux version of Ephesoft uses...
by Cara Moyle | Jul 2, 2019 | ASG
Transforming Information Exchanges in the Energy and Utilities Industry The energy exploration and production (E&P) sector is considered a high-risk, high-reward industry that is fraught with many content challenges due to heavy information exchanges from joint...
by Brad Steinmeyer | Jul 1, 2019 | Nintex
Thank you to everyone who read my first blog post about the use of capture technology to reduce errors, lower the cost of processing documents, and improve the customer experience. In this installment, I will discuss workflows and process automation (powered by...
by Cara Moyle | Jun 28, 2019 | Xenit
Through the Xenit Solutions partnership, we will work together to improve upon user interface, migration, and federated search. Zia Consulting and Xenit Solutions, a trusted and certified Alfresco partner and developer of the Alfred Suite, have partnered to bring...
by Jeff Rosler | Jun 26, 2019 | ASG
ASG Data Intelligence Basics What is data to an application developer? Is data intelligence about managing data or creating and understanding it? As an application developer in the past, I merely thought about data as something that was persisted outside of my...
by Luis Colorado | Jun 10, 2019 | Alfresco, Common Questions
Troubleshooting the “Too Many Open Files” Error Luis Colorado – Alfresco Software Engineer at Zia If you have a large or active Alfresco installation, or you have a large number of interactive users, your system may be at risk. Learn what conditions may cause the...