by Pat Myers | Apr 29, 2013 | Ephesoft, Mortgage
We’ve posted the next video in our Whiteboard Series: “ACE – Advanced Closing Extraction for Ephesoft.” Join Pat Myers, EVP of Zia Consulting, for an overview of Zia’s Advanced Closing Extraction (ACE) for Ephesoft solution. Advanced...
by Emily Long | Apr 26, 2013 | Ephesoft, Webinars
Across virtually every industry and level of government, “going paperless” is one of the top technology initiatives – with accounts payable as a leading target area for the paperless projects of many organizations. Whether a company is looking for...
by Emily Long | Apr 17, 2013 | Ephesoft
(Boulder, CO – April 16, 2013) Zia Consulting, Inc., Ephesoft Platinum Partner and the leading provider of business solutions for the Content Connected Enterprise, has been named Ephesoft Global Partner of 2013–an honor awarded to Zia for the second...
by Emily Long | Mar 26, 2013 | Ephesoft
Thank you to all who stopped by the Zia & Ephesoft booth at the AIIM National Conference 2013 last week in New Orleans – we enjoyed meeting you! We had several folks play “Words with Zia”… some for quite awhile! Congratulations to our gift...
by Emily Long | Mar 14, 2013 | Ephesoft, Events
If you are attending the AIIM National Conference in New Orleans next week, stop by the Zia and Ephesoft booth to try your luck at Words with Zia! Here’s how it works: Come to the booth and let us scan your badge Draw 7 letters from our bucket and create the...
by Pat Myers | Mar 4, 2013 | Ephesoft, Events
Ephesoft provides a full range of training services for users, administrators and developers working with the Ephesoft platform. Join Zia’s Pat Myers as he delivers this training session in the UK. Copies of Intelligent Document Capture with Ephesoft will be on...