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Learnings From the EventIASA Education Conference and Business Show

This year’s IASA Annual Conference lived up to its promises—and we were excited to make our automation solutions a part of it. Thank you to everyone who stopped by our booth and guessed how many Legos were in the jar…the correct answer was 524! Congratulations to our winner who guessed 523!

This saves time and money and increases customer satisfaction through the automated ingestion and routing of documents. To learn more and see solutions in action, watch our demo here.

We heard from many of you that modernizing existing systems is high on your list. This includes moving away from legacy ECM systems like FileNet, OpenText, Documentum, or away from capture systems like Kofax. 

It was interesting to discover the number of companies considering a move to cloud-based initiatives for this year and 2017. This aligns with our solutions on AWS as well as managed hosting.

Thank you to everyone who attended our Vendor Connect Tour on ECM and BPM solutions. During the VCT, VP of Sales Ryan McVeigh discussed how our insurance document automation solutions allowed our customer, Baldwin & Lyons, to automate their mailroom and intelligently route claims documents, reducing both response times and error rates dramatically. In addition, our ActiveMigrate methodology helped them migrate over 10 million documents to a modern ECM system in just seven days. To learn more about how we made this happen, read our full case study here.

Our partner, Snowbound Software, was also there sharing their document viewing and annotation technology solutions, which is also in use at Baldwin & Lyons.

We look forward to continuing the connections made and to talking to you in the near future! Feel free to contact us at any time if you have questions or would like a personalized demo.

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Zia Consulting
IASA Education Conference and Business Show

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